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Choosing Being

We are often told to find a state of being in spiritual practices. Our overly yang driven lives call for this, to find balance. But how many times are you resting and distracted, or 'being' and feeling like you need to be elsewhere or doing something. This doesn't allow for a state of being, of the yin. The yin is a surrender, a dropping in.

Easier said than done right?

Without the balance of yin to our yang we find a lack of balance in our lives. Finding time to listen with the expression. Think of it in terms of a conversation in relating. If one person is always talking and expressing and the other always listening, there will come a day when the one always listening won't feel heard. It will feel like a one sided relationship.

It is the same thing within ourselves. If we are always doing, thinking and leading ourselves to take action, there will come a day when we will be forced to stop and listen - through illness, falling in a heap or life throwing us a curveball to slow down.

I am a person who tends to deal in extremes - either I am inspired creating, taking action every day or I need a whole week of rest. But when I step into this rest week, by day 3 I'm thinking... 'I should be doing something useful'. What if we found a way to find more time to be, listen, rest and slow down within our week? Like the yin and yang - there is both within the other.

This is the moment I realised within my being times I needed to re-frame from nothingness (with my overactive western mind) to savoring the moment.

When we savor the moment we taste it's sweetness. We take time to listen, we make love to our life. So next time you are being and find yourself wandering or judging, how can you take this time to savor the moment. Bring yourself to presence and experience the present moment. In that space we fall into being, into listening, into the true nothingness of sensuality. Where there is space, there is time. My wonderful yoga teacher said to me this morning, when we take time to slow down we give life a chance to also slow down.

But if we never do, we will always arrive at the being with a crash, with integration and noise needing to settle. Bringing more slowness into moments and savoring those moments allows us to actually live. Be here and now. Human BEing, not human doing.

Take a moment now, how can you savor and taste the sweetness? Listen to your body breathing, appreciate how it is here for you, keeping you alive. Appreciate the ability you have to read and receive information. Or maybe you can take the moment to look around and appreciate the perfect imperfection of your life and this moment.

Only you can choose. Choose you. Choose to be. Choose to savor and slow.



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