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Hey beautiful

I'm so freaking excited that you’ve made it HERE.

It's time. Time to show up. holding yourself in your power.

It's time. Time to embrace your wholeness.

It's time. Time to open to yourself

It is TIME. Time to remember your worth.

And love yourself first.


I’m calling you into your radical love of self.


We have lived too long in our own shadows, the shadows of pleasing, neediness, judgement. the not being ENOUGH as we are.


So, I'm calling you forth,

to step out of these conditional terms, and love yourself, all of you.

Here, now, open and real.


Deep breath,

it’s raw,

it’s vulnerable,

it’s real,

it’s also fucking powerful,

it’s embodied,

it’s a cracking open,

and i’m here to hold you in it.


You have power, you have beauty, you have softness, you have courage, you are WORTHY

It’s just you had forgotten.


I want to help you find the lost parts of you that balance you, bring you to your power.

As an empowered woman, knowing her worth.




WORTHY is a 30 day journey into your self-love, softness, acceptance and empowerment. Fully embodied. As in, you feel it through your body, your wholeness.

Climb out of your head and drop into your body. From here you can rise and be who you are truly meant to be.

Arrive ready to be all of you.


this course is for you if:

-you find it hard to open truly in relationship

-you keep saying yes to the relationship, the job, that is not truly in alignment

-you look in the mirror and your response is not, I am beautiful

-you’ve had a negative body image story dictating your life

-you place conditions on loving yourself

-you are often stuck in the spiral of your mind

-you feel guilty, bad or stuck with what you desire

-you have tried it on your own and you’re still not feeling the depth of your worthiness


sound like you?


I remember what it felt like to look at my reflection and judge

I remember what it felt like when i couldn’t understand why things were happening TO me

I remember what it felt like to be stuck and uncertain in my work

I remember what it felt like to feel shame around my pleasure and desires 


It takes a journey, a trip down into your body, into your heart and womb, to uncover and release. To let you step up, rise up into the woman you are.


A heart centred empowered goddess. 


She holds her wholeness and see the gifts she owns. And they are potent! I'm ready for you to share them with the world.





I’m ready,

to get you to see your wholeness,

to show you how to trust your body,

to let you collapse old beliefs and paradigms,

to show you how easy it is to listen to your intuition and ACT on it,

to help you get embodied, feel confident, feel your power

AND return home to yourself.

so here’s the deets:

It’s a 30 day journey over 6 weeks (that means you get the weekend to play catch up or integrate week by week)

Though it's designed to be completed over 6 weeks, it is self paced so you can take your time or soak up as much as you like quickly. 


Each day will have a new activity, video, audio or worksheet (or all of the above).

But really it is a commitment of the daily practice and that day’s activity. Easy!


inside you get:


- 30 days of potent, heart-opening, empowerment codes you have access to

(yes, 30 days to deep dive into your wholeness)


- Self-Love Mastery Tools

that will reframe your beliefs, let you own your power and love yourself up!


- Moontime magic, embodiment rituals, a deeper connection to you and your body (cos she knows what she truly needs, we just need to listen!)


- Pre-play Material so you can start right away!

*** You will receive each download through a membership portal! ***


Want to know more? We also get into:


-releasing other’s energy and emotions

-body wisdom

-conditioning and fear

-openness, honesty, vulnerability


-creating your own rituals

-movement & breath


-seeing your beauty 

-getting to know what you want - DESIRE

-and so much more….it’s potent (and I'm so excited to share it all with you!)



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Worthy was an amazing experience, as we moved through each aspect I felt the connection to myself and my heart growing and becoming stronger. My confidence in myself grew and the caring what other people think moved out of focus. This wonderful portal opened me up to who I am, who I want to be and what I want out of this life. Kristin provides incredible support constantly, and extremely beneficial tools that seem so simple but brought great value and insight to my deepest desires and everyday life. So many Aha! Moments still flowing, I can't wait to take part again and see what new levels are reached 💗


How it works:


1. You sign up


2. You get a welcome email + pre-play material + access to our private Facebook page


3. You start the Day 1 video when you're ready! I suggest picking a day that you have the time to watch the whole video at once - it's about an hour (only the first video is this long)


4. Every day for the next 30 days you will receive 'the thing' (we will skip weekends)


5. You rock it. Your life. Your body. Your desire. Your pleasure. Your heart. 




x Do you offer refunds?

There are NO refunds to this course UNLESS you go through it all, show me all the work you actually do (written material, etc.), and then come to a conclusion that it was somehow ultimately not helpful at all for you.


x What if I'm scared to unleash myself online?

GOOD! That means you're in the right place. If you're not a little bit scared to INVEST in yourself.. I'd say.. you don't belong on this page. You want the fear. It means you're about to up-level into where you're meant to go.

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